Zach started Kindergarten at Hannah Holbrook (my alma mater) on August 29, 2007. The following are a variety of pictures taken over the first 2 weeks (because the kindergarten age kids only go on the first day then they have about a week off due to testing and Labor Day. Needless to say, Zach was very excited to start school and we were excited for him too! He loves it a lot and even loves to walk the 5 blocks down the hill and through the "secret passageway" to school. It is a workout coming back up the hill, but he even loves to walk home with the ward/neighbor kids.

Zach on the first day. He had already ditched his backpack.

Zach, waiting for his teacher Mrs. Savage, on the bench with his classmates.

Zach's picture posted on the board down the hall to his classroom. The theme this year is "Team Holbrook". He also did his name in glitter glue for his first ever assignment.

Zach's classroom. As parents, we sat in the tiny chairs in this room during the back-to-school meeting. It is hard to imagine myself being that small at one time. :)
Zach loves the monkey bars and has mastered them pretty well. He loves recess so he can do the monkey bars and play with Hannah and Elise.

I can't believe what a big kid he's getting to be. Kindergarden! They're so cute when they start learning all the fun things at school. You're going to love it! Love you Zach!
Way to go on the monkey bars Zach. Good job. What a big kid!!!!!!
Love you!!!
School looks fun! I liked Zach's glitter name. Good work. I want to know more about this "secret passage."
Zach, it looks like you own the place. What a big kid.
wow. i can't believe he is that old already. it will be no time at all and aaron jr will be starting school. way to go zach!
i've been patiently waiting for this blog posting! i love when parents have their first school experience because it is so life-changing, and so exciting. way to go, zach. the twins love to find you at recess too! monkey bars rule! ...and hannah has the callouses to prove it. it's kind of the 'in' thing for kindergarten & 1st graders to do at holbrook.
It is fun to watch Zach get ready for school and leave each day. He loves school and he is learning so much so quickly. He is a sharp kid. . .one of the best 36 grandkids on the planet!! who says so? I do and Grandma knows best!!
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