This is how we have been enduring the 100+ degree temperatures this summer...We sure love the new Bountiful Rec. Center pool and Zach loves to fine tune his swimming skills he learned at swimming lessons. Can you
unteach a child the plugging the nose thing?

Robert always makes fun of me because I buy cheap swimming goggles. What do think about these? Zach loved them (because they are green, his favorite color) until the glasses had half of the swimming pool water inside of them.

Zach took swimming lessons again from Natalie and improved even more. This is the dive which he was
introduced to this summer.

He has no fear of the diving board, here as well as at the Bountiful Rec. Center.

Cute Zach. What a swimmer. You're amazing!! Zach, ask your mom and dad if you can come play at our house.
Love you!!
cute pics teresa.
what a cute, photogenic kid. good thing.
What a fish. We love cute Zach. You gotta love the swim lessons. Maybe we will have to have all of the little swimmers over when we come down again. I need to see all of these skillz!
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