This is Zach watching Adam up to bat in his front row seat. Can you tell it is hot!

The girls also came to play one day and the fan was messing up their hair, so they all wanted to have messy hair. Eating their favorite Macaroni and Cheese.

Zach loves Pirates of the Caribbean and got this bandanna from somewhere and we discovered him wearing it when we checked on him in bed.

Zach has loved going to the park. This is the old Rocket Park and he says these monkey bars are easier than the blue park's monkey bars. Here he is doing them all the way across. He was very proud of himself for doing it.

This is Zach in Grandma and Grandpa Higginson's apricot tree. This has been one of his favorite things to do also, and he prides himself on how big he is and how far up he can climb. He is not afraid of heights like his dad.

Cute pictures of Zach in both blogs. The messy hair is funny. We love looking at everyone's pictures. Love, Karey
I love the crooked smile. Great pictures. Looks like you have a nice life Zach.
i love the one of aaron and zach. i need a copy emailed to me.
the girls sure love to come up there. the pic of zach in the california raisins picture doesn't even look like zach to me. i don't know why.
We love that kid! Fun pictures.
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