Thursday, August 23, 2007

Stake Lagoon Day

Every year when the Lagoon ads start on TV, Zach asks when our Stake Lagoon Day is because it is the only time we go all year. He loves it so much and every year he tries something new and it becomes his obsession. "It's What Fun Is!" right? This year his obsession was the Dinosaur Drop/Lady Bug Bob last year it was the Dinosaur roller coaster.

Zach giving the thumbs up to his favorite ride. He rode it at least 20 times.

Zach wanted to to try the Terror Ride but I did not have a pass, so a young gal rode with him for me. He said it was not scary, but he plugged his ears at the end due to the loud horn!


Anonymous said...

What a brave little kid. How fun for him. You are a great mom Teresa. Love the pics.

Leslie said...

looks like fun. thanks for letting us enjoy it with him.

Anonymous said...

Good post.