Zach, Robert, and I flew Zach's kite he received from one of his best friends (Jensen) who went to China this summer. It was a lot of fun and almost got the best of us. We are out on the lawn at Hannah

Zach trying out his new
yo yo. The
yo yo came from his visit to the dentist. They gave it to him because he was so good during all 4 sets x-rays, not too common with children his age!

Uncle Robert giving Zach pointers with the
yo yo. When he got tired of the
yo yo, he and Aaron wrestled, their favorite thing to do. It was
sooo funny to watch.

Big and little Aaron, Zach and Uncle Robert. Uncle Robert was so cute to watch Zach play his little
Scooby Doo video game, even getting on the floor with him.

Aunt Pauline. Picture taken by Zach.

Grandpa, Grandma, and Aunt Leslie (wanting to be seen)! :) Picture taken by Zach.

Aunt Leslie, Uncle Aaron, and Uncle Robert (notice Leslie again :) ). Picture taken by Zach.

A.J. Picture taken by Zach.

Me and Robert. Picture taken by Zach.

Zach's self portrait. Picture taken by Zach.